


Register now by contacting the church office at and ask to be put in touch with the head counsellor, Fred.


Cadets meet at the church on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8 PM

The Cadet Program is a church-based ministry for the up-building of boys between the ages of 9 and 13.


The goal of Cadetting is primarily to assist boys to grow spiritually in all areas of life: devotional, mental, physical and social. The leaders are dedicated to bringing boys into a living relationship with their Lord and Saviour.


Here is the heart of the Cadet organization: boys and their counselors working side by side on Bible lessons, Christian service projects, outdoor activities (camping, cycling, hiking, canoeing, and much more), and working on merit badge projects — selecting from a wide range of interests and skills.


More than 100 merit badges are offered in this program. The counselors' challenge, guide, encourage, listen, and counsel the boys as an expression of God’s love. These men, understanding their imperfection, hold on to the promise that the Lord will bless their prayers, their example, and their instruction as they rely on God’s strength.


If you are interested in joining Calvary Cadets, please inquire via the Contact Page